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Photograph Credit: Eliot Elisofon Photographic Archives


Originating in Ghana in the 12th century, kente cloth was worn by high figures in Ghana, such as kings and queens. Different designs were intricately created for Ghana’s kings. Kente clothing is also a tradition for the Asante people of Ghana

Kente clothing was held to a higher standard as it did not just represent a piece of fashion rather it had a deeper meaning associated with it, as it symbolized the philosophies, morals, and history of the Ghanaian people

Kente cloth is handmade using wooden looms, and this clothing consists of complex designs accompanied by bright colors. The more intricate and complex the design, the more expensive it becomes. They are usually made by highly experienced people as the process is complicated

Kente cloth have a wide variety of materials that are used to make them such as cotton, synthetic fibre, silk, and metal threads




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